Each function call has a timeout and terminates the execution. After each function call (even after a timeout or an exception) a TaskResult is created with one of the following ResultCode:

  • ResultCode.OK The execution is completed without exception and the result can be obtained with TaskResult#getResult

  • ResultCode.TIMEOUT The function call was NOT completed, the task was canceled

  • ResultCode.ERROR An unexpected exception has occurred. The exception can be determined with TaskResult#getErrorReason.

Quick start

This library supports Runnable, Callable, Consumer and Function. When a timeout occurs, the worker thread is interrupted. Be careful to handle the interruption properly, otherwise a thread of an ExecutorService (⇒ your function) could end up in an infinite loop (⇒ examples). One way to handle an interruption is as follows:

if (Thread.interrupted()) {
  throw new InterruptedException();


  1. Import the Library in your project (see instructions below)

  2. Create & store a WatchdogFactory. Each factory stores two ExecutorServices

  3. Use Watchable.builder(…​) to create a watchable and WatchableOptions.builder(…​) to create the options
    optional: add a ResultProcessor to the watchable builder (this callback not monitored)

  4. Create an asynchronous function call with WatchdogFactory#submitFunctionCall, a synchronized function call using WatchdogFactory#waitForCompletion or create a RepeatableTask with WatchdogFactory#createRepeated

  5. In case of a RepeatableTask call the task with RepeatableTask#submitFunctionCall and RepeatableTask#waitForCompletion

Import the Library


repositories {
    maven {
        url = uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/JanPollmann/Watchdog")

dependencies {
    implementation 'de.pollmann.watchdog:watchdog:<version>'


Follow the GitHub documentation of the desired package: https://github.com/JanPollmann/Watchdog/packages


  • Please remind: ResultProcessor (if specified) will be called after the monitored function call without any timeout. If there is heavy computational work, the call will take longer as specified (or will not terminate if there is an infinite loop)

    • Obviously, you could execute a RepeatableTask as ResultProcessor :)

  • The timeout is specified in milliseconds

    • A timeout of 0 ms will be handled as no timeout

  • For not repeated function calls, the input of a function/consumer is passed to the builder!

  • As soon as the internal worker of the WatchdogFactory gets garbage collected, ExecutorServices#shutdown is called for every ExecutorServices (finalize)

    • A RepeatableTask has a reference to the internal worker

    • To terminate the RepeatableTask call RepeatableTask#terminate

    • A terminated RepeatableTask will throw a RepeatableTaskTerminatedException!



  • Introduced WatchableOptions, the old API is deprecated (see Javadoc)


Just implement loop. Remarks:

  • A timeout of 0 ms will be handled as no timeout

  • both tasks have a ResultConsumer registered, but that’s an optional feature

package de.pollmann.watchdog.tester.app;

import de.pollmann.watchdog.*;
import de.pollmann.watchdog.tasks.Watchable;

import java.util.Objects;

public abstract class FastLoopApp {

  protected static final Integer OK = 0;

  protected final AppContext context;

  private final WatchdogFactory coreFactory;
   * create the main loop callable. The result is the exit code. The main loop continues as long as the exit code is {@value OK} and the result code is {@link ResultCode#OK}
  private final RepeatableTaskWithoutInput<Integer> mainLoop;
   * will always time out
  private final RepeatableTaskWithoutInput<Integer> timeout;

  public FastLoopApp(AppContext appContext) {
    context = appContext;
    coreFactory = new WatchdogFactory("core");
    // create the main loop callable with enabled statistics
    mainLoop = coreFactory.createRepeated(WatchableOptions.builder(context.getLoopTimeout())
      // enable statistics
      // register a loop finished listener
    // timeout example
    timeout = coreFactory.createRepeated(WatchableOptions.builder(10).build(), Watchable.builder(this::timeout).build());

   * Start the application
  public final void start() {
    // timeout 0: no timeout, block as long as the task takes
    try {
          Watchable.builder(() -> {
            TaskResult<Integer> result;
            boolean stop = false;
            double lastLoopsPerSecond = 0;
            // loop as fast as possible
            do {
              if (Thread.interrupted()) {
                throw new InterruptedException();
              // call the main loop once
              result = mainLoop.waitForCompletion();
              // call timeout
              TaskResult<Integer> timeoutResult = timeout.waitForCompletion();
              if (!timeoutResult.hasError() ||timeoutResult.getCode() != ResultCode.TIMEOUT || timeoutResult.getResult() != null || timeoutResult.getErrorReason() == null) {
                // if the timeout does not work (it does!) this would stop the main loop
                // a task in timeout is always in error state and has ResultCode.TIMEOUT
                // timeoutResult.getResult() is null
                stop = true;
                System.out.println("Timeout does not work :(");
              // print statistics (statistics are enabled for the Repeated Task "mainLoop"!)
              if (lastLoopsPerSecond != mainLoop.getCallsPerSecond()) {
                lastLoopsPerSecond = mainLoop.getCallsPerSecond();
                // the metrics are only valid after a few seconds, because the arrays have to fill with data first
                System.out.printf("Current loops per second: %.2f (Call: %.4f ns, Result: %.4f ns, Overhead: %.4f ns - %.2f %%%n",
                  mainLoop.getRelativeAverageApproximatedOverhead() * 100
              // The main loop continues as long as this condition is true
              if (result.getCode() != ResultCode.OK || !Objects.equals(result.getResult(), OK)) {
                stop = true;
            } while (!stop);
            return result.getResult();
          // register an exit listener
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
      System.out.println("App was interrupted!");

  public Integer timeout() throws Exception {
    int i = 1;
    while (i > 0) {
      // a loop, not responding to interrupts will lead into a never finishing ExecutorService!
      if (Thread.interrupted()) {
        throw new InterruptedException();
      if (i >= 1000) {
        i = 1;
    return i;

   * The main loop continues as long as the exit code is {@value OK} and no timeout ({@link ResultCode#TIMEOUT}) or error ({@link ResultCode#ERROR}) occurred
   * @return the exit code
  public abstract Integer loop() throws Exception;

   * The main loop result containing the last exit code of {@link #loop()}
   * @param taskResult the result of the main loop (NOT the taskResult of {@link #loop()}!)
  public void onExit(TaskResult<Integer> taskResult) throws InterruptedException {

   * Listener for each execution of {@link #loop()}
   * @param taskResult the taskResult of {@link #loop()}
  public void onLoopFinished(TaskResult<Integer> taskResult) throws InterruptedException {


terminate endless loop

package de.pollmann.watchdog;

import de.pollmann.watchdog.tasks.ExceptionConsumer;
import de.pollmann.watchdog.tasks.ExceptionRunnable;
import de.pollmann.watchdog.tasks.Watchable;
import de.pollmann.watchdog.tasks.WatchableWithInput;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Timeout;

import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;

public class SabotageTest {

   * This runnable will block the ExecutorService, not even a timeout occur (thread cannot be interrupted!)
  private static class Sabotage implements ExceptionRunnable {
    public void run() throws Exception {
      int i = 1;
      while (i > 0) {
        if (i >= 1000) {
          i = 1;

   * The runnable {@link Sabotage} will block the ExecutorService!
  void runnable_userTriesEverythingToSabotageTheTimeout_TIMEOUT_threadIsNeverFinished() throws InterruptedException {
    WatchdogFactory watchdogFactory = new WatchdogFactory(2);
    Watchable<Object> sabotage =  Watchable.builder(new Sabotage()).build();
    AtomicBoolean sabotageStarted = new AtomicBoolean(false);
    AtomicBoolean sabotageStopped = new AtomicBoolean(false);
    AtomicBoolean wasInterrupted = new AtomicBoolean(false);
    // wrapp the call 'sabotage' in a timeout
    //    => interrupt
    //    => cancel the wrapped call but leaves the Thread of the Executor Service in an infinite loop
    //    => at some point the watchdogFactory does not have any thread remaining
    TaskResult<?> wrappedCall = watchdogFactory.waitForCompletion(WatchableOptions.builder(1300).build(), Watchable.builder(() -> {
      try {
        // timeout can NOT kill the Thread because the submitted task is not interruptable
        TaskResult<?> neverCreated = watchdogFactory.waitForCompletion(WatchableOptions.builder(1000).build(), sabotage);
        // the runnable does not respond to an interrupt => not stopped => infinite loop
        // unreachable ...
      } catch (InterruptedException interruptedException) {
        // But "waitForCompletion" itself is interruptable
        throw interruptedException;


   * This runnable will not the ExecutorService because of the {@link InterruptedException}
  private static class NiceSabotageRunnable implements ExceptionRunnable {

    public void run() throws Exception {
      int i = 1;
      while (i > 0) {
        // add this if to your code to stop the runnable if a timeout occurred
        if (Thread.interrupted()) {
          throw new InterruptedException();
        // e.g. thread sleep does that as well
        if (i >= 1000) {
          i = 1;


   * The runnable {@link NiceSabotageRunnable} will NOT block the ExecutorService!
  void runnable_endlessLoopRespondingToInterrupts_TIMEOUT_threadGetsInterrupted() throws InterruptedException {
    WatchdogFactory watchdogFactory = new WatchdogFactory();

    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
      Watchable<Object> niceSabotage =  Watchable.builder(new NiceSabotageRunnable()).build();
      assertTimeout(watchdogFactory.waitForCompletion(WatchableOptions.builder(50).build(), niceSabotage));
      // the runnable does respond to an interrupt => stopped => no endless loop


  void consumer_endlessLoopRespondingToInterrupts_TIMEOUT_threadGetsInterrupted() throws InterruptedException {
    WatchdogFactory watchdogFactory = new WatchdogFactory();

    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
      Watchable<Object> niceSabotage =  Watchable.builder(new NiceSabotageConsumer()).build();
      assertTimeout(watchdogFactory.waitForCompletion(WatchableOptions.builder(50).build(), niceSabotage));
      // the runnable does respond to interrupts => stopped => no endless loop


  void repeatableRunnable_endlessLoopRespondingToInterrupts_TIMEOUT_threadGetsInterrupted() throws InterruptedException {
    WatchdogFactory watchdogFactory = new WatchdogFactory();
    Watchable<Object> niceSabotage =  Watchable.builder(new NiceSabotageRunnable())
      .withResultConsumer(result -> Assertions.assertTrue(result.getWatchable().stopped()))
    RepeatableTaskWithoutInput<Object> repeatable = watchdogFactory.createRepeated(WatchableOptions.builder(50).build(), niceSabotage);

    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {


  void repeatableConsumer_endlessLoopRespondingToInterrupts_TIMEOUT_threadGetsInterrupted() throws InterruptedException {
    WatchdogFactory watchdogFactory = new WatchdogFactory();
    WatchableWithInput<Integer, Object> niceSabotage =  Watchable.builder(new NiceSabotageConsumer())
      .withResultConsumer(result -> Assertions.assertTrue(result.getWatchable().stopped()))
    RepeatableTaskWithInput<Integer, Object> repeatable = watchdogFactory.createRepeated(WatchableOptions.builder(50).build(), niceSabotage);

    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {


  private void assertTimeout(TaskResult<?> result) {
    Assertions.assertEquals(ResultCode.TIMEOUT, result.getCode(), String.format("Error: %s", result.getErrorReason()));
    Assertions.assertTrue(result.getErrorReason() instanceof TimeoutException);

   * This runnable will not the ExecutorService because of the {@link InterruptedException}
  private static class NiceSabotageConsumer implements ExceptionConsumer<Integer> {

    public void accept(Integer t) throws Exception {
      int i = 1;
      while (i > 0) {
        // add this if to your code to stop the runnable if a timeout occurred
        if (Thread.interrupted()) {
          throw new InterruptedException();
        // e.g. thread sleep does that as well
        if (i >= 1000) {
          i = 1;



You can find more examples in the UnitTests: